Tuesday, August 7, 2012

50-50 IV Dune's Beach (Diptych)

Dune's Beach (W/C), 6 x 6", Mary Kay Jolley, created on 4 August 2012
Dune's Beach (Oil), 6 x 6", Mary Kay Jolley, created on 5 August 2012

1 comment:

  1. My final two paintings for the 50-50 show... I went down to Dune's Beach, my favorite beach in Half Moon Bay because it is the only beach that has the original dunes and plant life that is native to HMB. These are not the two paintings I painted in plein air that evening. They were full of dark blue footprints and yellow flowers and didn't feel quite right. So I repainted these two from my favorite photos I took an couple of years ago.
