Saturday, April 3, 2010

Day 93 Santa Cruz North Harbor

Collection of Warren and Jeannette Jolley

I painted Santa Cruz North Harbor (watercolor, 5 x 7") this morning looking out the window of The Captain's Quarters, the house that the Jolley's rented for the week to celebrate Warren and Jeannette's 60th wedding anniversary. Warren's family owned a house a block away from The Captain's Quarters when they married, and they went there for their honeymoon.

Even though Warren's family eventually sold the house to the Baptist Church who bulldozed it and put up a parking lot, Warren and Jeannette have many memories of visiting this beach and sending their own kids here with Grandma.

Days completed: 67
Days missed: 26
Days to go: 272

P.S. I would like to thank all my regular visitors for your gentle encouragement urging me to get back to my painting and blogging.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful memorial to a special place and time. Congratulations to the 60th anniversary couple!
