Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 9 Hay Derrick

I painted Hay Derrick (watercolor and ink, 7" x 5") from a photo that I took on my walk with Glenn on his ranch on Monday. My dad and his brothers used this derrick during the first half of the 1900's.

One thing that I am really good at painting from memory is fence posts, something that most people paint far too straight.

Days completed: 9
Days to go: 356


  1. I like this one. So far I reAlly like all the yerington paintings, good atmosphere ( not sure that is the word I want but close).

  2. You and your brother, both. Clay likes the pen and watercolor with the bright colors. "If you are going to try to sell a painting, people want to know they are getting their money's worth in pigment."
