Driving home somewhere on the coast this afternoon (I have to be vague about my exact whereabouts so as not to excite any mushroom eaters), I noticed this mushroom in the pine needles, jumped out, and took a few photos.
Later this evening, I painted Red Mushroom (ink and watercolor, 5 x 7").
After a bit of googling, I believe that this mushroom is Amanita muscaria muscaria, the red Fly Agaric mushroom, which is hallucinogenic and slightly poisonous. This is the mushroom that you see with elves and Santa Claus; it's believed to be the reason that Santa Claus wears red and white and reindeer fly. It was effectively used by Vikings because it inhibits fear. Shamans in Siberia used this mushroom to speak to the Gods, and, in 1968, R. Gordon Wasson wrote a book about A. muscaria called Soma-The Divine Mushroom of Immortality.
Here is a link: http://botit.botany.wisc.edu/toms_fungi/dec99.html
I noticed this mushroom because it stands out so much, and I've seen other beautiful mushrooms on my dog walks lately. I felt kind of silly and childish painting a red and white spotted mushroom for my blog, but I love all the history and stories associated with this beauty.
Days completed: 28
Days to go: 337