I painted
HMB Kayak Co. (oil on canvas board, 16 x 12") out yesterday with Rebecca. I see these colorful kayaks many times a day as Harold and I ferry onto Highway One. I have wanted to paint them for years, so yesterday was the day.
I first painted an underpainting of yellow and orange. Then I sketched them with french ultramarine blue a la Van Gogh. In the image below, it looks as though he outlined in black or indigo, but when you see the original at the Getty, you can see that it is french ultramarine for sure. (Thanks Grant and Julie for taking me to the Getty, which continues to inspire me.)

One thing that I am noticing about my oils this year, is that I am getting looser and looser, which doesn't surprise me because I like to paint fast and just capture the feel of the place rather than try to produce a photo like quality. Also, it is often cold, damp, and windy out painting here on the coast, and I would rather finish in the field than go inside with a photo for the final details. I think it keeps the paintings much fresher.
I would like to paint this scene again, but from farther back, so that more of the harbor is in view and the kayaks are smaller in the focal point in the lower right hand sweet spot.
I thought that you might like to see my easel set up out when I paint plein air.

Days completed: 77
Days missed: 50