Saturday, March 20, 2010

Day 79 HMBVFD Bell

I've been working on HMBFVD Bell (oil on canvas board, 12 x 16") all week. I went down to the fire station to take more pictures of the wall on the right of the painting so that I could finish it up tonight. It was very important to Clay that I get the shape of the bell just right. Claire, too. She says, "the bell looks like a bell, now."

The writing on the arch that supports the bell reads, "STEEL ALLOY" and "ALARM BELL". Even though the real plaque is rather wordy and describes the history of the bell, the plaque in the painting reads:


I'll donate this picture to the HMBVFD Crab Feed and Auction on June 5th. (Tickets are $55/person.)

Days completed: 79
Days missed: 16
Days to go: 286

Collection of Max DeVos

Day 77 Flower Fields I & II

I painted these sweet little watercolors from photos that I took about ten years ago when I painted the Montara flower fields plein air with Rebecca. Flower Fields I & II (5 x 7") were painted while I was watching Warren swim at Terra Nova.

Days completed: 62
Days missed: 15
Days to go: 288

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 72 HMBVFD Bell 2

Here's another sketch HMBVFD Bell 2 (watercolor, 5 x 7") in which I have added part of the fire house and a ribbon of hills behind the Pride of Madera.

I started work on the oil today and put the ribbon of hills right under the thing the bell hangs on. I hope the volunteers like it when it's done.

Days completed: 61
Days missed: 11
Days to go: 293

Day 71 HMBVFD Bell

I painted this first sketch of the HMBVFD Bell (watercolor, 5 x 7") from memory. I am preparing to do an oil to donate to the volunteers' crab feed in June. (Usually the painting is wet because I wait until the last minute.) I love the Pride of Madera flowers in the landscaping.

Days completed: 60
Days missed: 11
Days to go: 294

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 69 Virginia

I painted Virginia (watercolor, 5 x 7") as a demonstration painting for tonight's watercolor class at the Lutheran Church. All my students painted so well tonight!

Days completed: 59
Days missed: 9
Days to go: 297

Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 67 Cunha Tree

I see this tree, Cunha Tree (watercolor, 5 x 7"), every morning when I drop Claire off across from the library.

Days completed: 58
Days missed: 9
Days to go: 298

Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 63 Carlmont Diptych

I drove a bunch of kids to the swim meet with Carlmont yesterday and took my paints with me. The first image Crystal Springs (watercolor, 7.5 x 11") is the view I remembered on the drive over. The second Carlmont Hills (watercolor, 7.5 x 11") is the view from the bleachers at the pool. The kids all swam well, and I got my paintings done.

Days completed: 63
Days missed: 6
Days to go: 302

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 61 Old Barn

Old Barn (matted watercolor, 6 x 4") is from a photo that Fran just emailed me.

Days completed: 56
Days missed: 5
Days to go: 304